Streams Rivers Watersheds

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Collecting algae.
Ballona Creek, SR1-7 storm drain, looking downstream.
Collecting benthic macroinvertebrates in the West Fork of the San Gabriel River
Collecting benthic macroinvertebrates in the West Fork of the San Gabriel River
Collecting benthic macroinvertebrates in the West Fork of the San Gabriel River
A caddisfly larvae
Aggregating benthic invertebrates from several grab samples
Separating detritus containing benthic invertebrates into sample bottles for preservation and transport to the laboratory
Sampling at Cajon Creek.
Probing for a SPME mooring, at Centinela Creek.
In Ballona Creek looking downstream At Overland Ave overpass.
Intercalibration exercise.
Volunteers being trained by SCCWRP on methods to conduct dry weather sampling in urban streams.
SCCWRP has performed extensive dry weather surveys using trained volunteers.
Setup of stormwater sampling and flow monitoring in undisturbed areas in the San Gabriel mountains.
Measuring flow rate.
Collecting water samples.
Collecting water from a storm drain.
Collecting water from a storm drain.
Rhodamine WT dye sampling in the LA river using a flow-through Turner fluorometer.
Preparing to use a CTD (conductivity, temperature, and depth) meter in the San Gabriel River.
Measuring the width of the channel.
Documenting the stream.
Examining a fish.
Measuring stream flow in Solstice Creek (Malibu) for the Reference Bacteria Watersheds project.
Collecting water samples.
Getting ready to collect a water sample.
Please credit images to SCCWRP.